Every day I set the alarm clock in my mobile, praying for the morning to come soon. And sure it does…

Every day I count the number of hours passed. And sure they pass successfully, by the dozen…

Every day I watch as the second’s hand makes thousands of rounds. And sure it never tires…

Every day I watch as the dates pass by. But the months never end…

How hard it is to make the time pass. It is not easy, and it is not tough. The time will go on it its own style, own pace. It will not wait for me to make a request, nor will it even listen to my request. Not because it is cruel, but because it is just. It knows I want it to move fast now, and then stop or proceed very slowly at a certain moment. It cannot vary its pace ever, even if I lay there, scratching my head, or pleading.

I look back at the number of years gone by. And I realize that time was never on my mind. As a kid, I never thought about time in this way. When I was in class one, I never imagined how life would be 20 years from then. So twenty years from that day, I cannot play games with time. Did I say twenty? Isn’t it a long time! Back then all I cared about was my family, my teachers, my friends…sometimes things do not change much, even if they have actually changed!

I still remember the Cricket world cup of ’96 and it suddenly looks like yesterday. I remember the day when I rode a two-wheeler for the first time, and it seems so close. I still remember the days when I used to spend carefree time with my friends…and now they are all spread across various timezones, around the world. I still remember the day I got my first paycheck and I felt like buying the world! I still remember the time when I last fought with my brother…well that’s not exactly a distant memory…for I am fighting with him even as I write this!

And yet I wait for another moment in my life. The moment in my life.  Its funny how we keep waiting for moments to come, and sometimes forget to live in the current moment…

I try to define my life for the next few months. And I try hard to make it happen. And yet I know there is time. Time will be on my side, sooner than later. But all I can do now is to bide for time…for my time will come!

The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time…Time is what prevents everything from happening at once…